Monday, December 22, 2008


I was really excited to see Aariel & Brein post some cute memories & pictures of mom, so it inspired me to do the same. I have so many seemingly insignificant memories of mom but they are all that I have so that makes them very significant in my life.
Simple memories like after getting my tonsils out, she rubbed lotion on my back & gave me back tickles. Or asking early in the morning if I could go wake up the baby (Joseph) and her telling me in one minute I could, so I counted to 60 as fast as I could and ran to wake him up. Poor mom! Even trying to take naps with her on the couch but never falling asleep. Waiting in the kitchen for her to get off the phone, knowing that as soon as she said "okie dokie" she would be done soon.
I am so proud to be hers & my dads. I am so proud of my family and how far we have come since the loss of such a precious family member. I really hope that people can get some joy out of our little silly memories of our beautiful mother, wife & friend.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Being a Mom

Mom with her awesome fro' and Ben.

Mom and me and my awesome fro'!

Mom always told me the only thing she ever wanted to be was a mom. She said in school when all the kids were supposed to think of what they wanted to be when they grew up, being a mom was the only thing on her list. You could tell being raised by her that her kids were her main priority. That is what made my childhood wonderful and this world with out her so scary and hard. I love her so much, and the holidays are always especially hard, now with Grandpa gone it is even harder. But knowing that she's with her dad somehow makes me feel better.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

a special memory of Mom

I don’t have very many memories of Mom, and most of them are just little ones. Her asking me what kind of cereal I wanted and me changing my mind so many times that when I got the bowl, it had different kinds of cereal in it - and I was mad! Seeing her go potty while I was taking a bath (I’m sure she’d love that one). Her talking on our white rotary phone. Getting me a drink of water.

Probably my most meaningful memory of mom was on my first day of Kindergarten. She walked me into the classroom and I sat down at the table. Everyone was coloring a picture of a schoolhouse with a bell on top, and I was nervous because I didn’t know anyone. Mom asked me if I wanted her to stay and, since no one else had their mom there, I said no. When she left I cried. I was scared and lonely and wished I’d told her to stay with me!

Later that day I opened up my pencil box and taped inside was a mini Crunch bar and a note that said “I love you, Aariel!” Thinking about it now, I don’t know if I knew how to read that note. But I knew my name, and her handwriting, and I knew that my mom had put that in my pencil box for me. It made me feel special and I knew things would be okay.
