I just gotta say that Im really excited about this blog. You know anyone who knew my mom knew how wonderful she was. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. It's nice to have a blog to be able to get the feelings out that I feel about her everyday. We all miss her like crazy so this is gonna be nice to be able to post pictures of her and chat about her. Anyone who knows her is more than welcome to share memories or stories or feelings. Thats why we have this blog, not just for us kids but for everyone.
Nancy would love this - she loved her family and friends so much.
I always felt better when I was with her. She had a way of making people around her feel good by her genuine interest in them and love for them.
She was a very dear friend of mine since I was 12 yrs old. We kept in contact through letters when I moved back to Florida. She asked me to be in her wedding party ( I couldn't cuz I had to babysit the younger kids while my parents flew out). So many times I would think oh I wish I could tell Nancy this or that. Or share memories. Have to trust the Lord, that's what she would want. Know that many many people truly miss her so much !!!
It's been 18 years. I don't know what to say except I loved her, and I love her, and I always will.
Dad, I love you!!!!
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